
I am a motivated and driven UCSD student who is passionate about design, research, and teaching. Recently, I've been building up research and work experience at several labs on campus including the Interactive Cognition Lab as well as the Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab where I have helped develop experiments, papers, and even websites.

On top of this, I am a teaching assistant for COGS 100: Cyborgs Now and in the Future, a course which discusses the cognitive considerations needed for developing future technology. I also act as the fundraising chair for the Cognitive Science Student Association which hosts both social, networking, and advising events for students in UCSD's Cognitive Science department on top of an annual campuswide convention.

In my off time (if I'm not lazing around at home), you can find me trying out new recipes in my kitchen or hanging out with friends at various places and events (especially if food is involved).

Click here to download my Character Sheet (Resume)!

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